Archive for December, 2011

Best and worst B2B holiday emails

December 23, 2011

B2B holiday emailsFloods of end of year emails are pouring into the inboxes. For the consumer market they are generally filled with deals, promotions, free shipping, discount etc. Things are different on the B2B side as people are wrapping up the end of year details as they head out for the holiday break. As I have watched all the emails coming through to me, I noticed a few clever ones that caught my attention so I thought I would share the list of best and worst B2B holiday greetings. Can you add to the list?

Best at standing out:

  • Holiday traditions you love to loathe
  • What Santa knows about marketing and you should too
  • Ooops! The elves have been at it again (“the elves have been tinkering with our mailing system and accidentally sent you a test message. We apologize for their bad behavior and take theopportunity to wish you Happy Holidays”)
  • A story I wanted to share (followed by acompelling personal story that showed the personal side)
  • Penguins are cool – Happy Holidays (compared solution to penguins)

Worst – blending in with the masses

  • Happy holidays from [insert numerous company names here]
  • Holiday wishes from [insert numerous company names here]
  • Seasons greetings from [insert numerous company names here]
  • Happy holidays and hours of operation
  • Happy holidays and end of the yeat news

At a time when every company is sending out similar messages, it pays to use a little creativity if you want your message to be read. 

Hope that Santa was good to you this year! See you in 2012 for the Spring IMC term.

The Future’s So Bright

December 22, 2011

In a few short weeks we’ll be celebrating the coming of a New Year as we say farewell to 2011 and welcome 2012 with open arms. The new year brings much excitement as we anticipate the future that lays ahead of us and the possibility and promise the coming year brings.

I am looking forward to the start of 2012 because I will be stepping back into my IMC studies full-swing after taking the 2010-2011 academic year as well as the Late Fall session off. I am so appreciative of the flexibility of the IMC program and the ability to work my graduate studies around the ebb and flow of a busy family life and work schedule.

As I look ahead I am anxious to dive into Direct Marketing (IMC 616) for my Early Spring class and Marketing Research & Analysis (IMC 611) for Late Spring. I am also looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones during Integrate 2012 this coming June but what really excites me goes beyond the coming new year.

Lately I have been very encouraged as I look beyond the next year and a half of research, discussion posts and late night writing sessions. I am looking forward to the day I will walk across the platform, receive my degree and realize the possibilities that await me. This past year I’ve gotten to see several of my friends graduate from the IMC program and begin new careers as a result of earning their degrees. It is proof-positive that the hard work, dedication and sacrifice pay off in the end. Although it may not feel like it when deadlines are looming and I’m burning the midnight oil to complete an assignment it is true what they say, “it is always darkest before the dawn”. I just have to keep reminding myself that the future is bright.

With much anticipation for a Healthy and Prosperous 2012 and beyond I wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday Season!

Now where did I put those sunglasses?

Snow, schoolwork & the submit button!

December 21, 2011

I’m not sure what’s more exciting, that it’s Week 9 or that Christmas is a few short days away! I have a 4-day work week this week so I’m planning to piece together my final paper for Brand Equity Management on Friday, push that submit button we’ve all grown to love, and have a stress free holiday!

In Early Spring I’ll be taking Direct Marketing (my final core class) and Cause Marketing during Late Spring. Cause Marketing will be especially relevant for me as I recently started a new position at a non-profit.

In Northeast Ohio, we received a dusting of snow this past weekend. Here’s a picture of my deck after the snow:

So far, we’ve had a warm December…let’s hope that trend continues all winter long!

Graduating, the IMC way!

December 20, 2011

President Clements

Wow. What a chaotic couple of months I have had, but will be a time I will never forget. As with Barry, I have been extremely busy working on my final project and am hoping that I do very well on it! It is very time consuming but worth every minute to be able to show potential employers on interviews what I have accomplished. But I can take a little bit to catch you all up on what has been going on in my life! Yes, Stephen and I moved into our new home and are still coping with the stress of putting our home together. Yes, I am still looking for a job in the Baltimore area because of our move. And yes, I did get to walk in the December convocation ceremony for West Virginia University!

Me at graduation

When I arrived at the ceremony, I found a group of girls that were waiting to get in line and they welcomed me with open arms. Since I had not met anyone there before, it was a little nerve-racking when I got there. These girls were truly amazing and they made this experience for me. From one being in my current capstone class and us talking about our final projects, to another sharing stories about her life and the similar interest that she has with me, and another who used her iPhone to let me be a part of something really special 🙂 I must say that it was an afternoon that will always have a place in my heart and I will always think of my graduate school graduation as an experience that most people will never get to have.

Thank you IMC for one of the best experiences that I have had in my life over the past 2 years.

Not only am I proud to be a Mountaineer, but I am proud to be a WVU IMC graduate.

Until next time,


A new beginning

December 12, 2011

It’s been an exciting few weeks for me here in North Canton, Ohio. I started a new job three weeks ago at Invent Now, which is part of the National Inventors Hall of Fame. I play a part in our social networking and public relations efforts and help market Camp Invention, a nationwide summer camp for children in grades 1-6.

I’ve mentioned this story before, but the last day I started a new job was ironically also my first day of IMC610. Starting a new job and graduate school on the same day made the summer of 2010 one I’ll never forget!

Pursuing a master’s degree made for an appealing talking point during my interview process and also helped my resume stand out among competition. If you’re reading this blog, you’re most likely pursuing a graduate degree as well. Has anyone else had an experience where the IMC Program has put you ahead of the game when it came to a job search or perhaps helped you obtain more prestigious responsibilities on the job? If so, share your story in the comment section below!