Archive for March, 2011

And the survey says …

March 25, 2011

Hello IMC friends! It’s once again Spring Break here in Morgantown, although you wouldn’t know it based on the weather. Earlier this week it was sunny and 70 degrees and today it’s snowing. Things are pretty quiet on the IMC front, as eCampus has been closed for the better part of this week. I must say that having a little extra time to complete discussion posts is going to come in really handy this week as the stomach flu bug paid us a little visit earlier this week. Gross.

Despite being a little behind on coursework, I was able to create my online survey for my campaigns class. I’m aiming for 100 responses. Sooooo, if you’re in the 18- to 24-year-old age range and feel like helping a pal out, please feel free to click on the link below, answer 10 brief, anonymous questions, and forward the survey to your 18- to 24-year-old friends. How’s that for a pitch? If I could I would offer an incentive for filling it out, but I got nothin’…  😛

Some of my classmates are all about research—some of them even do it as part of their job. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely understand the need for research to plan an effective IMC campaign, but I’ve never been a number-crunching, statistics kind of a girl. I need a calculator to do simple math. That said, this Survey Monkey site we are using for our class is pretty wild, and makes it easy to create, administer, and interpret results from a survey—even for number-challenged people like me. 🙂

Hope you all have a wonderful Spring Break (even though we technically don’t get one). Are any of you doing anything fun for Spring Break? Going somewhere fun?

Happy Dance

March 16, 2011

I’m not going to lie. I did a little happy dance when I logged on to eCampus yesterday and saw it.

IMC 636 Campaigns

I might have even shed a few tears of joy (okay, I did). It’s taken me so long to get here, longer than most. I started graduate school back in 2000—right after earning my undergraduate degree. After seeing most of my friends entering the workforce and earning “grown-up paychecks” I decided to quit graduate school to begin my career. Not finishing grad school was a decision that I’ve always regretted. Now I’m just 9 weeks away from correcting that mistake that’s haunted me for nearly a decade, and it feels wonderful.

Now that I’ve survived another “Transition Monday” (aren’t those hectic?) I can focus solely on Campaigns. Even though I only have one class this semester, I anticipate that the workload for this class—the last class—will be similar to having two classes. But at least I can focus on one project. Speaking of, if you want to get an idea of what you’re in for as far as the capstone course goes, check out the IMC Student Portfolio. Very impressive!

Congrats to all my fellow 636 classmates for making it this far. And good luck this semester to all of you current and future IMC students out there. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to register for your Summer and Late Fall courses. They fill up fast!

Winding down

March 3, 2011

Happy Wednesday, IMC friends!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that the Early Spring semester is almost over! I received an e-mail about scheduling IMC courses for Summer and Fall semesters. If you have any questions about scheduling for classes, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with our advisor, Shelly Stump. I scheduled an appointment with her last fall just to make sure I was on track to graduate, and I highly recommend for IMC students to touch base with her regularly.

 It’s bittersweet that my time as an IMC student is coming to an end. I’m so looking forward to graduating, but at the same time I’m a little sad that I won’t be scheduling any more classes—especially since there were a few electives that I didn’t get a chance to take. Hopefully, I’ll get to learn a little bit more about the subjects I didn’t get to take during this year’s INTEGRATE conference. I got a chance to check out the INTEGRATE website and it looks like there will be several interesting breakout sessions again this year.

2011 Integrate Conference

How many of you are planning to attend?