Archive for May, 2012

Celebrate…no matter where you are!

May 21, 2012

I’m one week into my summer break from classes and I’m having a blast!

I remember saying last year that once summer began, I didn’t realize how much time I spent on schoolwork! That same thought has been in my head each night for the past week! Schoolwork and the IMC Program has simply become part of my life, so when I spent two weeknights playing tennis instead of writing discussion board posts, it felt quite odd! One downfall of summer break? I can’t use the excuse “I have schoolwork to do” when I don’t want to do something! Ha!

Someone recently reminded me about the importance of celebrating your accomplishments no matter how small, and for all of us, we’re achieving great things by being a part of the IMC Program. Taking a short break is just one way to celebrate where we’re all headed and what we’ve achieved so far!

Stopping in the moment to appreciate what you have or where you’re about to go is something I don’t do enough.

No matter if you’re a prospective student, someone in the middle of their studies (like me!), or an IMC graduate – we’ve all taken a major step to better ourselves, and that is certainly worth celebrating!

Week 9!

May 10, 2012

We’re almost done with Week 9! I absolutely love my class this semester, Cause Marketing, but I am very ready for some time off!

Last weekend was a great example of how I could benefit from a short break from school. We had wonderful weather here in Northeast Ohio on Sunday so I spent the day cleaning my house with the windows open, putting together some potted plants for my porch, and filling my birdfeeders. When 6:30 p.m. hit, I realized I let the day slip by without starting my paper that was due the next day!

The paper turned out great, but I certainly could have used a few extra hours of fun, that’s for sure! And that’s exactly what I plan to do this summer – have fun! I will attend Integrate at WVU, stay busy with work and volunteer commitments, and play lots of tennis! My summer league kicks off May 14, which is only a few days away.

My last summer break proved to be well-planned because I came back completely refreshed, inspired by all the fun things I got to experience during those free months, and of course – ready to meet my new classmates!

Are you wrapping up any final projects this week? Tell me in the comments section below!

The view from the finish line

May 9, 2012

The first week of May! That means we are all getting ready to close out the late spring term. For some, it means a nice break for the summer. For others, it means just another class completed as Summer term starts right up. For me – it means the end of the IMC program. Yep – my final days in the capstone class are here. I just wrote my last discussion post!

Wow – so how does it feel? Exhilarating.

The capstone class certainly is a challenging course. It will push your limits, make you reach into the portal of resources, tools and knowledge that you have gained over the course of the program. It will fully solidify that you have what it takes to leave this program and take your career to the next level. It is a feeling of success and you leave with a very robust proposal that can be put right into your portfolio.

As I reflect over the past 2.5 years, I remember starting in IMC 610 and wondering if I would make it. Some classes were more challenging and some were less challenging, which completely lines up with areas that I have more and less experience in. I was brave and pulled off a double load one term, which I don’t recommend doing too often! My all time favorite courses were PR, Cause Marketing and HealthCare marketing (either due to subject or mix of topics/professors/classmates). I have benchmarked events in my life by papers I was writing at the time (oh yeah, the business trip where I was writing my final paper on the plane etc). The flexibility of this program has allowed me to continue to live my life over the past two years. I have appreciated that so much as I have watched peers go through programs where they are sitting in the classroom for 2-3 nights a week. That’s hard to manage with a job and a family. I am certainly looking forward to being able to just relax this summer and catch up with friends and family.

It has been a pleasure learning along side of you and sharing thoughts with you through this blog. I thank all the staff and professors as they have given invaluable input over the course of my time in the program. Good luck this week as you finish your final projects.  I wish all of you the best as you continue and move to the next phases. Press on – it is worth it!

Before I go, I’d love to cheer you on. Where are you in the program and what class are you taking this summer? Or are you planning to take a break and start back up in the fall?