I’m Stacy, and I’m a Mac (poser)


Hi IMC Land!

All the dust has finally started to settle after what was a hectic Monday!  Finals for old classes, introductions for new classes—craziness! To add to the confusion, I’ve finally switched over to my new MacBook Pro from my old Dell laptop.

I got the Mac about a month ago, but because it’s a little different than a PC and I haven’t used a Mac for several years, I decided that trying to switch mid-semester probably wasn’t a great idea. For example, when I tried to do a discussion post using the Mac, the HTML creator wouldn’t work. It turns out that Mac users have to install a special plug-in to get the HTML creator to work. Who knew? I thought plug-ins were those scented things you plug in your wall to make your room smell good. Needless to say, for the last several weeks I’ve been playing on the Mac but doing my coursework on the old laptop.

I am a Mac fan. If you’ve been reading this blog then you know how much I love my iPhone (and now iPad). The reason I was so hesitant to buy a Macbook was the small fortune I spent a few years ago to buy Adobe CS3 software for PC when I started freelancing from home. I didn’t want to have to fork over a bunch of money for programs I already had simply because they weren’t for the Mac OS. Enter my computer geek husband, Mark, who introduced me to Parallels—the absolute coolest thing ever. Parallels allows users to run Windows and Mac operating systems together on one computer—at the same time.  Let me just say that I have tried this and it’s amazing. Now, my girlfriend, Chris, a self-professed Mac-aholic, made fun of me for installing Parallels. She said, “Why would you pollute your beautiful new Mac machine with all that Windows garbage?” She also called me a Mac poser. I don’t care. Maybe I am a Mac poser. All I know is that I now have one sweet machine that does everything I want. Yay! 🙂

Before I sign off, I want to spread a little Halloween-themed IMC cheer from IMC student, Nicole Beeson. How fun! 🙂

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